  武汉历来被称为"九省通衢"之地,是中国内陆最大的水陆空交通枢纽.它距离北京,上海,广州,成都,西安等中国大城市都在 1000公里 左右,是中国经济地理的"心脏",具有承东启西、沟通南北、维系四方的作用。独特的区位优势造就了得天独厚的交通优势。京广、京九、武九、汉丹 4 条铁路干线,以及京珠、泸蓉等 6 条国道在此交汇,武汉正在成为全国四大铁路运输枢纽之一。水运已形成“干支一体,通江达海”的客货运网络,武汉港是我国长江流域重要的枢纽港和对外开放港口。华中地区最大的航空港武汉天河机场,是华中地区唯一可办理落地签证的出入境口岸,第二航站楼投入使用后,它将迈入全国四大枢纽机场的行列。巨大的区位交通优势推动了武汉现代物流业的快速发展。以建设国家级物流枢纽城市为目标,合理规划布局以现代物流园区、物流中心、配送中心为节点的现代物流体系,武汉作为联结国内外两个市场和促进中国东、中、西部互动的桥梁纽带功能逐步显现。


Throughfare to Nine Provinces


As the biggest water ,land and air transportation hub in inland China, Wuhan has long been well known as a “throughfare to nine provinces”. With an equidistance of 1000 km away from other major Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an, Wuhan stands out as China's geo-economic “heart” and plays a role of linking east and west, connecting north and south and serving all directions. The unique geographical advantage gives the edge to Wuhan's exceptional advantage in transportation. China's north—south and east—west traffic arteries such as 4 trunk railway lines of Beijing—Zhuhai and Shanghai—Chengdu, Beijing—Kowloon, Wuhan—Jiujiang and Wuhan—Danjiangkou and6 national expressways such as Beijing—Zhuhai and Shanghai—Chengdu meet in Wuhan. A passenger—cargo water transport network has taken shape, which combines trunk and branch route service and gives acess to the sea. Wuhan Port boasts a key hub prot on the Yangtze, which opens to foreign ships. As the biggest airport in central China, Wuhan Tianhe Airport is the only airport in the region offering visa service to foreign visitors. The operation of its second terminal building will enable Wuhan Airport to rand among China's top 4 hub airport. The great advantages in its geographical location and transportation have brought about the rapid growth of Wuhan's modern logistics. To build Wuhan into a state level logistics hub city, a mdern logistics system in well planned with modern logistics parks, logistics centers and delivery centers as the joints. As a result, Wuhan emerges as bridge connecting domestic and international markets and promoting interaction among China's eastern, central and westtern parts.